Vertigo is an uncomfortable condition that can range from momentary spells of dizziness or light-headedness to more severe bouts that can disorient a person and cause loss of balance and even nausea. Basically, a person experiencing vertigo feels as though his environment is moving or spinning around him.
A common cause of vertigo is an inner-ear disorder. The condition also can develop after a trauma, like a fall or a car crash. Whiplash, the violent snapping of the head and neck that is common in car collisions, is another common cause of vertigo.
Chiropractic treatment has been successful for at least some vertigo sufferers. Research has found that a misalignment—called a subluxation in chiropractic parlance—of vertebrae in the upper cervical spine is sometimes the source of the problem.
In one study of 60 patients suffering to some degree from vertigo, 56 of the subjects recalled having had a traumatic incident in their past. Subsequent examinations showed that all 60 had some sort of misalignment in the spine. Patients in the study received chiropractic treatment for one to six months. At the end of treatment, 48 of the subjects were free of symptoms. The remaining 12 had either less severe or less frequent bouts of vertigo. Talk with a chiropractor about how treatment can help you.